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Letters to the Editor

The Orcutt Pioneer welcomes readers' letters that are timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest. All letters are subject to editing and should be 300 words or less.  We reserve the right to decide when and if a letter is published and to edit for clarity and space.  To submit your letter, email 


Bond Money Reallocation from Science Labs to OA Gym

              The new gym for Orcutt Academy (OA) certainly will benefit the school as well as the community. It will relieve pressure from the consistent athletic usage at the Orcutt and Lakeview junior high gyms. There are, however, questions to be asked about its origins.

              The funds came from a bond that Orcutt taxpayers approved in 2016. When passed, the bond made no mention of funding for a gym. Instead, there was $6.3 million allocated towards building new science labs at Orcutt, Lakeview, and OA. In a Bond Oversight Committee meeting with current superintendent Holly Edds attending, the money was “reallocated” from science labs and towards the gym. The bulk of the money was taken from what should have been new science facilities. Rather than benefiting students throughout the district, the bond money now only benefits those attending OA. While a new gym is an improvement for OA students, it’s hard to underestimate how much science labs would mean for the larger student population in the district. While students from other district schools may participate in activities in the new gym, that is not comparable to the academic benefits of new modern science facilities that students would use beginning in seventh grade.

              The final irony is that the district was aware of the excitement surrounding the creation of new science labs. Science teachers were asked their opinions about outfitting the labs, including new technology. Once the money was taken away, it felt like a stab in the back to the schools and teachers involved. It was stated in an open board meeting that the science teachers approved the “reallocation.” This is not true. After the district eliminated the lab funding and felt repercussions, it decided to allot $200,000 to Orcutt and Lakeview to build storage rooms for their current science buildings.

              After the 2021-22 school year, five veteran junior high science teachers retired, some because of this controversy. Today, no construction has taken place on promised storage facilities. Why? The district again eliminated funding. That is totally unacceptable from a district that had more than $25 million in its ending balance last year.

              There is no doubt that this gym is a necessary improvement, but it is important that the district is upfront about where they spend the public’s bond money if they expect taxpayers to approve future bond measures.

Patrick E. Brickey
Lakeview Jr. High Science Teacher

Keri Kirkland
Lakeview Jr. High Science Teacher



Lack of Children’s Activities Available in Orcutt

              I am puzzled by the lack of activities for children in Orcutt. I see all the new building sites, but no one has brought anything up about enriching kids around here. All the proposed buildings and new stores are either storage units, low income, or something that involves alcohol. Do we really need another brewery or wine spot that we can’t take our kids to? There are so many children around here but not many things to do locally unless you drive to the end of Santa Maria or further. There should be a little more thought of what’s being built for our community.

Paige Grenke Orcutt Resident


Buying a Home in a Flight Path = Noise

              I found the letter in January’s Orcutt Pioneer puzzling.

              The writer complains about noise from military touch-and-go landings at the Santa Maria airport. Perhaps there have been more military flights recently, but the Santa Maria airport has been there since at least the 1930’s. The airport was used to train Air Force pilots in World War 2, with many pilots flying P-38 fighter- interceptor planes.

I believe when the writer bought the home, commercial flights were also regular activities at the airport.

I bought a home in Orcutt, about 50 yards west of highway 101 in 2012. I am also a little over a mile from the airport. Before buying, I spent several days in the vicinity assessing airport noise. At that time, 2012, there were regular commercial flights into and out of the airport.

              It is my understanding that sometime after WW2, the federal government agreed to fund extension of a runway at the airport, IF Santa Maria would agree to permit U.S. government flights for training purposes.

In short, anyone who buys a home near an airport should not then complain about NOISE from that airport.

Jim Vint
Orcutt Resident


Welcomes our Military Heroes to Santa Maria Airport

              I am writing in response to February's letter to the editor, which requested that the Airport Board cease soliciting military aircraft for training. While the writer expressed concerns about changes in military training affecting the peacefulness of Orcutt, it's important to note that the majority of residents actually appreciate the presence of military aircraft. The Santa Maria Airport has a rich history of military use dating back to its construction by the United States Army during WWII, spanning over 80 years.

              Regarding concerns about noise ordinance studies, it's worth mentioning that these studies are available on the airport's website for public access. Additionally, it's crucial to understand that neither the Airport nor the FAA have the authority to deny military access to the airport.

              The writer stated that "military bases send their aircraft to practice over our homes," but it's important to clarify that military bases do not use Santa Maria Airport as a training facility. They simply land and take off, proceeding to their destinations. Even if they do practice taking off and landing, it is no different than any other aircraft doing the same thing as them.

              Furthermore, the concern raised about potential aircraft crashes is valid, but it applies to all aircraft, not just military ones. In recent years, there have been multiple aircraft crashes around Santa Maria Airport, including one into a school and another in a farm field just last month, and none of them were military.

              To our Military Heroes visiting Orcutt, please know that majority of residents warmly welcome your presence. We greatly appreciate your service and enjoy the flyovers. It's heartening to see you supporting local businesses at places like Blast825, Liquid Gravity, and Spencer's Fresh Market.

Robert Tolan

Flight Path Resident

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