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Community Events

           Does your non-profit organization have a special event, fundraiser, or community activity you would like our readers to know about? Whether it’s a one-time event or an monthly or weekly happening, we want to help you get the word out.  Email 50 words or less to by the first Monday of the month.  Be sure to include, in this order, the name of the event, location, time, a short description and contact information.

          All events are subject to change.  Please contact the event or club sponsor to find out details about the organization/event and meeting times.


SANTA MARIA COIN CLUB ANNUAL COIN & COLLECTIBLE SHOW Saturday, May 10, 9AM to 4PM, Elwin Mussell Senior Center, 510 East Park Ave, Santa Maria, No Admission Charge.


50+ CLUB Meeting/Luncheon at Giavanni’s Pizza,1108 E. Clark Ave. at 11:30AM on the second Thursday of the month, purchase our own lunch, meet & share ideas and support local charities. New members welcome. Pam Cosma 805-896-6045.

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous).  If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. Meetings Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 6:30PM Orcutt Presbyterian Church. General information and other meeting times and places, 805-925-3782.

ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS AND DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES ( meets on Thur, Fri, Sat, and Sun.  Contact Kim at (805) 714-6908.

ALL AMERICA CITY QUILT GUILD meets at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 4380 Orcutt Rd. on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm except March and July. Info: or 805.448.6276.

ALTRUSA OF THE CENTRAL COAST meets 6PM on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Altrusa is an international non-profit organization of men and women that strives to make our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service.  For info and meeting location call 805 478-9243 or

AMERICAN LEGION POST 534 is open to all members Thursday 3-9 PM, Friday 3-10 PM, Saturday Noon – 10 PM, Sunday noon-6 PM, Monday 3-8 PM, Closed Tuesday and Wednesdays. 

ANGELS FOSTER CARE is looking for families in Santa Maria and Orcutt local foster care providers. To learn more about becoming an Angels Foster Care parent, visit or call 805-884-0012.

ATTENTION ALL MAGICIANS!  Join our local magic club.  Meet once a month. All ages and skill levels welcome.   Text Tom Becker (805) 720-1164

BENT AXLES CAR CLUB If you like cars ’73 and older, socializing with new friends, it’s a car club but also like a caring family. Cruise night meeting and tours. Come join us on the second Wednesday of the month at IHOP Restaurant at 6PM.

BREAKFAST at The OASIS Center, 420 Soares Ave, Old Orcutt on the second Saturday of each month, 7:45-10am.  Adult members: $7, Non-members: $8, Children under 10: $5.

BSA Troop 87 in Orcutt.  Enjoy outdoors camping, hiking, fishing, snow & water sports, etc.  Scouting provides an opportunity to try new things, build self-confidence, provide service to others.

BILINGUAL WORSHIP SERVICES at Christian Life Church every Sunday at 1PM, Oasis Senior Center. 

CAMPING LOVE OF ADVENTURE is a nonprofit single adult camping club.  We meet the second week of each month on Wednesday. Information: Elaine 805-937-5357

CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP at the OASIS Center.  Learn coping strategies and gain support from a professional.  1st Wednesdays from 6:30pm-7:30pm, and 3rd Thursdays 2:00-3:30pm.

CENTRAL COAST BEACH BOARDWALKERS WALKING CLUB. Call 805-714-1552 for information. 

CENTRAL COAST CHORDSMEN invite those who like to sing or would like to learn to participate with them. Call 805-937-7960 for information.

CENTRAL COAST CORVETTE CLUB open to Corvette Owners and Enthusiasts. Meetings at 6PM on the first Thursday of the month @ Home Motors, showroom lobby at 1313 E. Main St., Santa Maria. Info: call Mike-805-934-3948 or Bruce 805-588-5334

CENTRAL COAST CRUISE NIGHTS invites all car collectors to join us on the 4th Saturday of the month at Golden Donut in Orcutt, depart at 6pm, and drive into Old Orcutt. Afterwards, grab a bite to eat and support our local businesses.

CENTRAL COAST SUDOKU CLUB – Ready to take your SUDOKU solving skills to the next level? Monthly “step-by-step” solutions to “Tough” puzzles in a “Skype” game format.  Email for more information.  For examples, search YouTube for SUbingDOKU.

COASTAL VALLEYS MARINE CORPS LEAGUE 1340 monthly meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month at Veteran's Memorial Bldg. at 313 West Tunnel in Santa Maria at 7PM. 

COASTAL VOICES COMMUNITY CHOIR is looking for singers! Also looking for Concert Volunteers! Rehearsals Mondays, 6:30PM at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 3945 S. Bradley Rd. A love of singing and the willingness to work hard and learn beautiful music is the only requirement., or call 805-517-4645 for additional information.

COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY, an international non-denominational Bible study. Our class runs through May 1. Meets weekly on Wednesday 10:10AM to 12PM at Grace Baptist Church in the Ed Building. INTERESTED IN A NIGHT CLASS? See

CRESTWOOD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Non-Denominational) 1265 W. McCoy Lane, Ste A, Santa Maria, CA  93455, 925-7500. An all-volunteer Church concentrating on teaching the word of God and using our resources to help the poor in love thru service. 

CRIBBAGE ANYONE?  The Santa Maria Cribbage Club is looking for new members. Meets Monday at IHOP at noon. We play 9 games against different opponents.  If you love cribbage, please join us. Debbie @ (805) 598-1867

CUB SCOUT PACK 91 welcomes boys and girls, grades K-5 to join us.  Scouting teaches children about their community, citizenship, service to others, and outdoor adventure.  To learn more about us visit or call us at 805-253-CUBS. 

DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF SM VALLEY meets every 3rd Thursday at IHOP, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria. Social at Noon, guest speakers at 1 PM. Business meeting for members follows. Call 805-349-2708 or visit for more information.

DOUBLE DECK PINOCHLE meets the second and fourth Tuesday at Mussell Center from 12:30 - 4:00. Info: Jean 805-922-1615. 

EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 105 S. Broadway (Old Orcutt), Sundays at 6:30PM, Worship

FAMILY FUN NIGHT 6-8PM. Last Friday of the month @ Unity Church, 1165 Stubblefield, Orcutt. Bring games and food to share.  (805) 937-3025. 

FREE LUNCHES FOR SENIORS AT OASIS CENTER provided by the Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens and will be served four days a week.  RSVP by calling (805) 925-9554, option 1 or e-mail    

GROWING GROUNDS FARM STAND Come and enjoy fresh vegetables, flowers and plants.  Located on the corner of Foster Rd and California.  

GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND PUPPY RAISERS. Raise a puppy and change someone’s life. Meet once a month. For more information contact Jack Brey at 805-598-9397

HEALING GRIEF CLASS an 8-week support class for the newly bereaved held 5 times a year (Tues 10AM-Noon at Marian Residence) and a GRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP every Tues. 3-4:30PM at Marian West, 505 E. Plaza Drive in Santa Maria. Info on either group: Marian Hospice at 805-739-3830.

HEALTH AND WELLNESS CLASS at the OASIS Center 420 Soares Ave, Old Orcutt - Learn about supplements, exercise, cardiac health, and more!  2nd and 4th Thursdays from 2:00-3:30. 

INTERESTED in attending in-depth healing groups? Led by Pastor and Holy Spirit. Celebrated in members’ homes. Info: Pastor Victor at (805) 878-1033 or Carl Buck at (805) 478-6198

INVESTMENT GROUP at The OASIS Center, 420 Soares Ave, Old Orcutt on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 11:30-12:30.  Educational group, no fees.

JOIN THE CUB SCOUTS.  Pack 93 of Orcutt Camping, hiking, lots of outdoor activities. Family oriented pack. Siblings are invited! Join the fun of the most exciting Cub Scout pack around. (805) 478-3538 or

JOIN US FOR THE EPIC: A JOURNEY THROUGH CHURCH HISTORY in Room 2-Parish Community Center, Monday evening, 7:30-9PM.  For more information contact Trent Benedetti, 922-4881, or Steve Stanley, 937 1353,

LIFE IN FOCUS, 105 S. Broadway, Santa Maria, CA 93455 (Old Orcutt), Every Wednesday from 6-7PM. An evidence-based free program helping to rebuild our communities one person at a time. Changing lives. One family at a time. Julie Fernandez (805)704-2646

MOMS CLUB OF ORCUTT is a chapter of the MOMS Club International and is dedicated to supporting moms who are looking for exciting and fun things to do with their small children. Find us on Facebook at MOMS Club of Orcutt or email

NEWCOMERS CLUB - Santa Maria Valley women’s group meets monthly for lunch, coffee, special events and to have fun. Join us! Call Barbara Chappell 614-6800.

ORCUTT CHRISTIAN CHURCH offers a FREE class on the Fundamentals of the Christian faith on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 2-3PM, 204 Patterson Rd.

ORCUTT DONUT DERELICTS is an informal car club that meets every Sunday, rain or shine, in the parking lot outside the Golden Donut from 8-10AM.  Everyone is welcome.  

ORCUTT LIONS CLUB meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at the Orcutt Lions Den, 126 South Broadway, at Clark Avenue in Old Orcutt. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for socializing; the meeting starts at 7PM. Meetings are open to the public. Call 805-934-1246 for more information.

PATHWAY FAMILY SERVICES faith based foster family agency that places children in certified homes and offers support to those who want to become foster parents. We offer free training and monetary compensation for qualified families. For more information call 805-739-1111.

PATH POINT, a non-profit organization that has provided services for individuals with disabilities and disadvantages since 1964, is currently seeking donations of vinyl or leather chairs and/or couches for the day program. Contact Gail @ 934-3537 ex. 110 for questions or donations.

POETRY FOR WELLNESS WORKSHOP at the OASIS Center 420 Soares Ave, Old Orcutt.  Join Dot as she guides you through an exploration of mental wellness through poetry.  2nd Thursday each month from 8:00am-9:30am.  

​​PUGS IN THE PARK, meet every second Sunday of the month, 2-4PM, Orcutt Community Small Dog Park, 5800 S. Bradley Rd., Orcutt, CA.

ROTARY CLUB of SANTA MARIA-SOUTH, Santa Maria Inn 801 S. Broadway (Kent Room), Meetings held on the 1st three Mondays of each month from 6-7:30PM. New members welcome! Join us for dinner and discover what our Rotary Club is all about. "Service above Self" Contact Joe Gruba

RPEA (Retired Public Employees Association) invites retired public employees to join us on the 3rd Thursday of January, April, July & October at Crumbles Cafe at 11:30AM. Lunch is provided. Come see what you can do to save your retirement and benefits RPEA has to offer. 

SANTA MARIA COIN CLUB meets 7PM third Wednesday of the month at the Church of the Nazarene in Santa Maria. Coin collectors of all ages and casino chip collectors are all invited. Bring coins for free appraisals.  805-937-3158

SANTA MARIA FAMILY SEARCH CENTER FREE services to help find ancestors. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tuesday - Thursday 10AM-2PM, and 6:30-8:30PM Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. 805 928-4722. 

SANTA MARIA FLYERS AIRCRAFT DISPLAY DAY at Santa Maria Airport on the second weekend of each month, both Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 2.  Hangar doors open to display aircraft and enjoy community with SMX pilots.

SANTA MARIA LAWN BOWLING CLUB Great fun, easy to play, all ages, all levels, low impact exercise lawn bowling and make new friends in a congenial atmosphere. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30AM at 420 S. McClelland St.  Call Don Yee 805-980-8673

SANTA MARIA MENS CLUB Spend a couple of hours with a great bunch of guys.  805-937-1499 or 805-937-0355

SANTA MARIA MODEL A CLUB meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month, 6:30PM, at the Elwin Mussell Center.  Visitors and guests are welcome.  Info: Jay McCord 805-598-8133

SANTA MARIA VALLEY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY meets 3rd Thursday 2:15 to 4PM except Jun, Jul, Aug & Dec. Visitors welcome. Contact for program and location info.

SANTA MARIA WOMEN’S NETWORK meets the first Wednesday of every month from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Santa Maria County Club, 505 West Waller Lane, Santa Maria.  Please email or check out our webpage at for more information.

SENIOR SOFTBALL: Boys and girls over 50 who like to play softball, Monday & Thursday mornings at Hagerman Softball Complex.  A player pays $1 each day to help purchase new balls and sponsor a picnic once a month.

SPECIAL NEEDS NETWORK meets the second Tuesday of the month at 12 noon at A Street Cafe, 2445 A Street Santa Maria.  For more information, call 805-264-2434

​STAR OF BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH welcomes all to attend Bible study every Thursday @10AM.4465 S. Blosser Rd., 805 937-0339 Sunday School, 105 S. Broadway, Sundays at 10AM, Pastor Jesse Pinheiro (805)937-6536

TEMPLE BETH EL, a reformed congregation invites those of the Jewish faith to attend services every Friday night at 7:30 pm. 1501 East Alvin Ave., Santa Maria.

WOMEN’S EXERCISE CLASS Cornerstone Church (Family Center) Mon/Wed/Fri 10-11AM. FREE. Bring mat. All Levels. 1026 E. Sierra Madre (next to Hancock College) Office: (805) 922-1919

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